Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Category: Gamecube/Cheats T
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Contributor: admin

Show objects

While playing a game, press L, R, L, R, Y(2), X, B(2), X, Z(2). The locations of hidden Opals, Bilbies, Golden Cogs, Rainbow Scales, and Thunder Eggs will be shown with colored lines from the sky (Opals and Rainbow Scales with a green line, Golden Cogs with a gold line, Thunder Eggs with a purple line, and Bilbies with a whitish line).

Aquarang, Elemental Boomerang, Dive, and Swim abilities

While playing a game, press L, R, L, R, Y(2), B(2), Y, B.


While playing a game, press L, R, L, R, Y(3), B, Y, B.

Ending bonus

Successfully complete the game with all cogs, eggs, and opals collected for a 100% completion to unlock a bonus level and an extra FMV sequence after the ending credits.

How to get other boomerangs

10 Golden cogs is the zoomerang 20 is the multirang and 30 is the infrarang good luck


Collect twenty golden cogs to unlock the Multirang.


Collect thirty golden cogs to unlock the Infrarang.

Easy kills

If you have the Multirang and have to fight a group of Frills, run around in circles while throwing all of your boomerangs at once.

How to Beat The First Boss

How to attack the boss, is to stand in front of the huge rocks. Wait until he charges, then dodge sideways. He will attack after your first hit against him. Jump over the shock waves, and avoid the hurling rocks.

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