Spiderman - The Movie
Category: Gamecube/Cheats S
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Contributor: admin

Cheat mode

Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "ARACHNID" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. All regular levels, FMV sequences, and gallery pictureswill be unlocked. Repeat code entry to return to normal.

Level select

Enter the "Specials" menu and enter"IMIARMAS" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return tonormal.

Level skip

Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "ROMITAS" as a code. If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Pause the game and select the "Next Level" option to advance to the next level.

Bonus training levels

Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "HEADEXPLODY" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to returnto normal.

Infinite webbing

Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "ORGANICWEBBING" as a code. If youentered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal.

All fightingcontrols

Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "KOALA" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal.

Play as Mary Jane

Enter the "Specials"menu and enter "GIRLNEXTDOOR" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat codeentry to return to normal.

Get Super Coolant

Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put inthe code CHILLOUT . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

Get Big head mode

Go tothe options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code JOELSPEANUTS . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered thecode correctly

Get Character Scientist

Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code SERUM . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

Get Character Shocker

Go to theoptions menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code HERMANSCHULTZ . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the codecorrectly

Get Character Thug 1

Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the codeKNUCKLES . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

Get Character Thug 2

Go to theoptions menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code STICKYRICE . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

Get Character Thug 3

Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the codeTHUGSRUS . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

Get Character Matrix Spidey

Go tothe options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code FREAKOUT . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the codecorrectly

Get Character Helicopter Pilot

Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in thecode CAPTAINSTACEY . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

Get Character Police Officer

Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code REAL HERO . The Green Goblin will laugh if youentered the code correctly

Get Matrix Attacks

Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put inthe code DODGETHIS . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

Get 1st Person Mode

Goto the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code UNDERTHEMASK . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

Get Tiny Spider-Man

Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code SPIDERBYTE . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

Get Big Head & Feet Spider-Man

Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code GOESTOYOURHEAD . The Green Goblin will laughif you entered the code correctly

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