~Ultimate Chao~(Angel, Dark and Chaos Chao)These Chao are one of a kind and are immortal, you can see what they look like at: Karate mini game lv.Super,(must beat expert first to get super) "Crystal" is your 3rd opponent and is the Ultimate Angel Chao. "Angel" is your 4th and is The Ultimate Devil Chao. And Your 5th Opponent is "Flash" he is the Chaos Chao. These are the Ultimate Chao. Now if you want to know how to get them read on. To get these chao You must have them "Re-incarnate" at least 2 times.- ~*NOTE*~ These chao are immortal and CANNOT reincarte ever again so make sure you have the certain grades you want on them before you do this!!-Ok when that is done give your chao all the 21 animals. IF YOU WANT THEM TO BE: Ultimate Angel; give it a hero fruit from black market.Ultmate Devil;Give Dark Fruit Also From Black Market.Chaos: Give Chao Fruit, From Black Market. _____-It Also Helps if You Give them More that 1 fruit. i.e 5 dark fruits. OR 5 hero once this is completed, wait till you chao goes into the caccoon. then this should work. did not give chao all animals(21) Did not give Chao enough fruit Or Chao hasnt "transformed AT LEAST 2ce.Get Dark gardenUse one of the 3 dark characters and raise a dark chao. Feed and train your chao till it evolves and you should see stairs in the main lobby that go to the Dark gardenGet hero GardenUse 1 of the 3 hero characters to raise a Hero Chao. Feed and train your chao till it evolves and you should see ascending stairs in the main lobby that lead to the GardenGet Boss Attack ModeFinish either Hero or Dark story modes 1 time. This allows you to fight bossesGet 3D green hill StageGet all 180 emblems and the stage appears on the world mapGet ACTUAL Last StageAfter finishing BOTH Hero and Dark story modes you can go to story mode and a 'Last Stage' option is thereGet Hyper Shadow and Super SonicFinish the Last Stage described aboveKart GameAll you have to do is is beat route 101 with Tails and voila. Omachao as a weapon To have Omachao as a weapon go to a Omachao without activating him get close to him and there should be a B button on the screen and it should say pick press B and you'll have him in your hands now you can throw him at enemies have fun!!!EZ Cash (rings for Chao garden)To get rings easily sell the following items from the Chao garden to the Black Market: Any Fruit: 10 rings Normal Eggshell: 50 rings White Eggshell: 100 rings Money cheatFirst you buy an expensive item like an apple or worn out pan then you save and exit from the chao garden.Come back and get the item go to the Black Market and select sell right at the sound of the cha ching press reset you'll notice you have the money from selling and still have the item.Keep repeating this to get RICH! Blue flameTo get a blue flame on your Chao's head find a green fish looking thing in Green Forest towards the end there will be 3 brown boxes behind them you will find the fishy thing give it to a chao and there little thing on top of its head will turn into a blue flame don't give it chaos drives or it will go away. Get Magic Gloves with SonicOnce you have gotten the Bounce Bracelet at Pyramid Cave[stage 11] and the Flame Ring in Crazy Gadget[stage 15] go to City Escape. After the loop you will run down the building and hit the bouncers and land on a flight of stairs.Run up them and on the floor you will see a grey square made up of 4 metal boxes. Jump above them and use the bounce attack and the box you hit will break. You fall into a small room and the Magic Gloves are there.Get the Flame RingFirst get to crazy Gaget. Go through the stage until you get to a place with metal boxes and no where to go then go back to the right wall destroy the box and hop on the spring to your left the flame Ring will be there.Skull for ChaoTo get a skull head for your chao go to dark garden with Rouge or Knukles and dig everywhere once you get it give it to a smart chao and he'll put it on his head.Secret KartsTo get new karts complete all of the missions for one character. (ALL A RANK NOT NEEDED)For example complete the 1st,2nd,3rd,4th and Last missions for all a character's stages.Second costumesAll you have to do is pull off rank A on all of any character's missions to get their second costumes. Believe me it is way harder then it sounds!! Ghost ChaoTo get ghost chao, go to the black market in the chao kindergarten. Buy a white egg. Either wait until it hatches or hatch it yourself. Then get lots of bats(3 or 4, maybe more, it took me 3) from the levels and give them to the chao that came from the white egg. Then go to the fortune teller and name him Ghostly.Pumpkin chaoGet some skeleton dogs(good place to do it is pumpkin hill or pyramid cave). Give them to your chao. Then start digging with knuckles ou rouge and eventually a you'll find a pumpkin. I found my pumpkin in the hero garden. Give the pumpkin to the chao who you gave the skeleton dogs to and he will put it on his head. 3 King Cheats of Orientare: .#1 bunny underground... get a bunny and throw it into the cliff next to the GBA Transporter and it sould keep boun cin till it goes underground (note: you can see a shadow where the bunny is and you have to be Knucles or Rouge to drill down and get it bac) ..#2 nuetral/chaos chao get a chao and raise it with hero/dark characters/get a chao and make it transform twice and then take every animal and place it in the garden (it may take a few going outs and don't give them to the chao) and it will evolve chaos (note: after a chao is 5 years old it dies unless it's chao's and transforming takes away your stats but it's worth it) ...#3 how to get each garden... You start out with chao garden/Be nice and if your chao evelves good it opens up Hero garden/Be evil and your chao evolves evil to get the dark garden/(The hardest one to get) Get a nuetral and chaos chao (both) to get chaos garden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Easy way to beat the Last Stage on Hero and DarkFor both Hero and Dark you must fight the hedgehog that resembles you. You will fight on a long runway that goes on until you win. When you start fighting you can hit the enemy regularly for awhile until eventually he'll block your attack. The best way to hit him then is to wait until they get far ahead of you. You then start up the Spin Dash in the middle of the runway. Eventually the enemy will start their special attack. Right before it hits you release the Spin Dash. If you stay perfectly strait you'll hit him. Do this until your opponent dies. Beating the Last Boss, Biolizard, the REAL ShadowThere are 2 parts to this battle. The first part you dodge his attacks(shadow ball, bite, bombing, charge) then when he gets energy from his life force orb, grind up the pipe coming out of his mouth then use the homing attack( pres A in the air) and hit the orb on his back. Then when he uses the bombing attack that surrounds him, use the homing attack until you get to the orb and then hit it. Then when he lifts the gravity, dodge the bombs and hit the orb and kill him. When you become SuperSonic and UltimateShadow, press A and B to attack and hit the swelling spot with the charge attack. If you run out of rings, you lose. To switch between Sonic and Shadow, Go under the Finalhazard(the boss) and it will switch between characters. When you beat it, you warp ARK back into orbit and Shadow gets caught in The explosion of the boss and dies. Secret Races (And hard Chao Karate)When you first go to Chao Race, you only have beginner and multi-player races. You can get more of them! To get the Jewel and Challenge races, beat all 3 levels of all 4 courses. (You'll also get special toys in the prosess.) To get the Hero and Dark races, you obviously need a hero and dark chao. NOTE: You unlock the Hero and Dark races together. To get Super mode in Chao karate, you must win the Beginner, Standard, and Hard modes. NOTE: At the end of the Challenge, Hero, and Dark races, you'll face incredibly powerful Chaos Chao! So be careful! You will also face Chaos Chao at the 3rd, 4th, and final rounds of Super mode. How to get them? That's a secret! Beating egg golem: Beside climbing the stairs on Golem's back, you can hit him another way. You can only do this when he has two or less hits remaining. When he uses his head butt of death, stay to the side of his fists so the head misses. Then, get directly under the head. He takes a few seconds to pick it up again, use a bounce attack to hit the battery. Beating sonic: In the Dark storyline, instead of trying to catch him off-guard, keep somersaulting at him. This makes the battle easy. Beating big foot: In the Hero storyline, you can defeat Big Foot faster by jumping on the wooden boxes. From here, you can attack him without having to wait until he lands. After he shoots out all the boxes, defeat him the standard way. Beating big foot 2: As Sonic, if you have the bounce attack, just bounce around Big Foot. Beating eggman: In the Hero storyline, during both battles with Eggman forget about the lock-on missile, it is too slow. Instead, rapidly attack him with your Vulcan cannon. Beating shadow: In the Hero storyline, during both Shadow battles you can use the same strategies. Shadow cannot defend against the bounce attack. Beating shadow 2: Instead of trying to catch him off-guard, keep somersaulting at him. This makes the battle easy. Beating king boom boo: In the Hero storyline, only run fast enough so you can see his face. When he starts breathing blue fire, you will have more than enough time to punch the ghost holding the hour glass while he is preoccupied making is wall. Beating king boom boo 2: King Boom Boo as one attack called the Chomp Attack. Be careful, because he also speeds up when he does it. If you slow down, quickly speed back up or he will speed up and attack. Special karts in kart racing: Complete all missions with any character (any grades) to get their advanced race cart. Special clear Chao: Mate a sapphire Chao (found in sonic advance) and breed it with a sparkly white Chao. the resulting Chao is clear. Chao fact: Be aware that a Chao dies around the age of 4. Abuse a chao with knuckles: If It changes into a dark chao it will have a red ring around it's neck. Note: This doesn't work with hero chao. Unlocking costumes: Finish all of one character's missions to get an alternate costume in two player mode. Unlock the boss time attack mode: Successfully complete either side story to see all the scenes from the side of the story that you chose or you can play the Bosses that you fought in a time attack mode. To get both the Hero and the Dark modes you have to complete both sides of the game. Unlock the last stage: Successfully complete both Hero and Dark side story modes. Enter story mode to access the "Last Stage?" option. Unlock the extra island level: To get an extra Island level, you must get all the Emblems, including Kart, Timed Boss, and the emblems for all A rating. Once you have them all, which should total 180, the island next to the Green Forest level will have the face of Sonic on it. The new level is a 3D version of the Green Hills Zone, from Sonic The Hedgehog. Kart racing mini-game: Catch the President with Tails, or catch Tails with Rouge.If you do both, you will unlock versus in two-player mode. Either way will work, it doesn't matter which you do first. Get a seed planted in the chao garden: You first must gain enough coins in the game to buy a seed. Second, get any Chao to learn the 'Go-Go Dance' in the Chao Kindergarten classroom. Third, give your Chao enough Chao Drives to win every Beginner Chao Race. Finally, after you have completed theses events, give your Chao any seed and it will plant it for you. Note: The Events taken to make this happen have no specific order. This cannot be completed until your Chao is one year old and that weird thing where it looks like a teardrop is forming around your Chao, has happened at least once. Unlock Dark Chao Garden: Raise a Dark Chao with one of the three Evil characters. Continue to feed and train your Dark Chao until it evolves and goes into its evil cocoon. Once it emerges, a set of descending stairs should appear at the main Chao lobby leading to the Dark Chao Garden. Open hero garden: When you raise your first hero the garden will be open. Killing Final Hazard: To kill the last boss you must hit the pink swellings on him but when either super sonic or hyper shadow run out of rings you will die so dont forget to swop before you do. Each player has 50 rings when you swap the other one will go and collect rings. How many rings you collect will depend on how long it takes you to kill the swelling. The swelling will get harder to kill as the game progress. Getting Fast 100 ring missions: With Knuckles or Rouge, you obviosly just cant go digging for rings, but in levels like Mad Space, with Rouge, use the Sunglasses or Treasure Scope, It helps you with rings, real fast! Defeating Shadow (Second Time): Use the Light Shoes to keep ahead of him forcing him to use Chaos Control. Once he is in front of you, stay far enough back so that Shadow uses his special attack, then just dash and destroy. Repeat as many times as needed. Get Eggs: If you get 80 emblems you can get a shiny orange egg, if you get 100 you can get a silver egg and with 150 emblems you can get a gold egg from the black market (wich is at the kindergarten). Hard Egg Golem Cheat: First, go to Story Mode and Hero Story. Choose the movie scene "Shuttle Blast-Off". Right after you choose it, click the A button rapidly. You will see a bunny that looks kinda like Santa Claus coming out of the door in the beginning. After the movie, Egg Golem will move faster and will not give you much time to get on it's back. Notes: 1. This works with Dark Side in the movie scene "Hidden Base Intercept" as well. 2. Sometimes this will not work, but most of the time it will! Chao pictures: Usally if you find pictures in chao garden and your chao's not around, look at the pictures. They'll show what the other chao did to it. Ghost Chao: First get a white chao and hatch it (or shiny white, looks better but costs much more. Hatch it and go to church mountain at pumpkin hill. It looks like a castle. Look around there should be a graveyard. It has the ghost dog. Grab it and go back to chao garden and give the ghost dog to your white chao. Repeat this till your chaos legs disapear. (will not effect how fast it goes in races.) After that give it the broken white eggshell. It looks like an awsome ghost. To make it beter make it a dark chao. Stop Chao being dozy-eyed: To stop your chao having half shut eyes, give him a kick/punch or two. The reason he becomes dozy-eyed is from overpetting. Hint: If you give two heart fruit to two Chao side by side they will mate if they have gone in to a cocoon for the first time. Immortal chaos: To get Immortal chaos do the following: 1 Chaos (light, dark or neutral) have to evolve two times (transform 1 child, transform 2 adult) 2 They have to be exposed to all animals at least once 3 They have to transform in their coresponding garden Start with lots of lives: Before you even start a game get a friend to go on multiplayer Hunting. Instead of finding the emeralds dig and get lots of rings (the more rings the more lives you get, 100 rings=1 live). After you are satisfied with how many you have got, find the Emeralds. Now start a New Game (on either side) and you will start with more lives. How to make your chao go faster: Get into any level and try collecting green chao drives for more running. Note: try completing each characters missions to collect more chao drives so that your chao can be faster. Infinate speed boots: In city escape you can get infinate speed boots in 2p mode. First collect 80 rings, do not go to 90 or it will mess you up. First get off your snow board with 20 rings. Pass all the robots in the beginning with the most rings you can get. Next get the homing attack rings in the part where those cylinders are. Then get some of the downhill rings. Go up the stairs where the hovering robot is, pass it and hit the continue mark. You should have speed boots if you only have 80 rings. Then hurry and do spin dash on the ramp and hit another pair of speed boots. Wait a few seconds and voila, infinate speed boots with city escape song. Chao Dying: This happened to me several times. At sometims when your Chao is really old and you've been playing for like 49 days straight and play with it for a very long time, it may die. 3 of my Chao died because of this. If they die, don't save it. Instead, go back in the garden and transport your Chao to Sonic Advance. That MAY prevent it from dying. Faster time: In two player mode when someone uses Time Stop or Chaos Control against you hold the joystick DOWN and the time will pass slightly faster. Shiny Chao: How to get a shiny normal chao first get 2 chaos a normal hero chao and a gold hero chao then make them breed and eventualy a shiny normal chao will come out. |