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Simpsons: Road Rage |
Gamecube/Cheats S
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New Year's KrustyAt the Options Menu hold L R and press B B X Y. Halloween BartAt the Options Menu hold L R and press B B X A. Marge the PilgramAt the Options Menu hold L R and press B B X X. Santa ApuAt the Options Menu hold L R and press B B X B. Drive Red Soapbox CarAt the Options Menu hold L R and press B B Y X. Drive as Smithers in Mr. Burn's CarAt the Options Menu hold L R and press B B Y Y. Drive Nuclear BusAt the Options Menu hold L R and press B B Y A. Extra MoneyAt the Options Menu hold L R and press Y Y Y Y. Extra Camera ViewsAt the Options Menu hold L R and press B B B B. Nighttime ModeAt the Options Menu hold L R and press A A A A. Flat CharactersAt the Options Menu hold L R and press X X X X. Show Collision LinesAt the Options Menu hold L R and press B B A A. Stop TimeAt the Options Menu hold L R and press X B Y A. Overhead ViewAt the Options Menu hold L R and press X X X Y. Slow MotionAt the Options Menu hold L R and press A X B Y. Hidden Halloween character At the options menu, hold L + R and press B(2), X, A. Special car moves At the options menu, hold L + R and press A, B(2), AHorizontal split screen At the options menu, hold L + R and press Y(4). No map display At the options menu, hold L + R and press Y, B(2), XDisable all active codes At the options menu, hold L + R and press Start(4)Debug modeDEBUG MODE Hold L+R and press B,B,A,A Submitted by AmberBonusset your gamecube date to the 25th ofnovember now you will get a bounus for every 3rd person you pick up Submitted by Kevin McArdleOther cheatsAT THE OPTION SCREEN PRESS L+A+B(500)TIMES. Submitted by unknown