Shrek SuperSlam |
Gamecube/Cheats S
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All characters and levels: Press L, R, X, B at the title screen.
All medals and trophies: Press R, L, Y, B at the title screen.
All story mode chapters: Press Y, B, R, X at the title screen.
All challenges: Press Y(2), Y, X(3), Y, B, X, B(3), Up, Down, Left, Right, L, R at the title screen.
Super Speed power-up: Press L(2), R(2), L, R, L, R, B, X, Y(2) at the title screen.
Pizza One: Press Up(2), Y(2), Right(2), X(2), Down(2), L, R, Left(2), B(2), L, R at the title screen.
Pizza Two: Press X(2), B(2), R(2), Left(2), L(2) at the title screen.
Pizza Three: Press Down(2), Right, X, Up, Y, Left, B, L(2) at the title screen.
Slammageddon: Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Y, B(2), L, R at the title screen.
Play as Anthrax: Complete Bonus 7 in Mega Challenge mode.
Play as Captain Hook: Complete Tournament 25 in Mega Challenge mode.
Play as Cyclops: Complete Challenges 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40 in Mega Challenge mode.
Play as Donkey: Complete Tournament 7 in Mega Challenge mode.
Play as G-nome: Complete Challenges 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 in Mega Challenge mode.
Play as Huff N' Puff Wolf: Complete Tournament 20 in Mega Challenge mode.
Play as Humpty Dumpty: Complete Bonus 4 in Mega Challenge mode.
Play as Luna: Complete Challenges 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30 in Mega Challenge mode.
Play as Quasimodo: Complete Tournament 3 in Mega Challenge mode.
Play as Robin Hood: Complete Tournament 13 in Mega Challenge mode. |