SSX Tricky
Category: Gamecube/Cheats S
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Master ranking

l+r hold that down at the start screen and press a,b,z,z,x,a,y,a this will get u a master ranking.
Submitted by MABASP

Master Cheat

Go to the title screen and Hold L + R and press A, B, Z, X, Y, Z, B, Y, Z, X, A, Z. Release L+R and a sound will confirm correct code entry.

Get Mallora Board

Go to the title screen and Hold L + R and press A, A, Z, X, X, Z, B, B, Z, Y, Y, Z. Release L+R and a sound will confirm correct code entry.. Choose Elise to get the board

Max Stat Points

Go to the title screen and Hold L + R and press B, B, Z, B, B, Z, A, A, Z, A, A, Z. Release L+R and a sound will confirm correct code entry.

Get Untracked Course

Get a medal on all race courses

Get Pipedream Course

Get a medal on all showoff courses

Get Different Outfits

Finish all chapters in the trick book. Finish world circuit with a master rank

Get Uberboards

Finish all tricks for a character

Character List

The original chars are:
1. Eddie
2. Elise
3. Moby
4. Mac

Unlockables are:
1. JP
2. Psymon
3. Brodi
4. Luther
5. Seeiah
6. Zoe
7. Luther
8. Kaori
9. Marisol
10. Marty

Mix Master Mike

Press and hold the L and R Buttons, then press A, A, Z, A, A, Z, A, A, Z, A, A, Z. Release the L and R Buttons, then start the game. Select Mac as your character, and he'll transform into Mix Master Mike when you start the race. He has decks on his back and a vinyl board. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Get Master Ranking

You must get a gold medal in both race and showoff on every course

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