Phantasy Star Online |
Gamecube/Cheats P
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How to get the MusashiThe Musashi is a special weapon for the hunters to get it beat the dragon boss of the forest on hard mode after you kill the dragon on hard mode it might leave a red colored box that says special weapon go to the tekker and let him examine it and it turns into the Musashi.Trap CheatIf you hate it whenever your character slows down in the presence of a harmful trap, causing you to be hit by it, just hold the R button before you get to an area where you suspect traps will be. You wont slow down. (usually works) Create a chair in lobbyTo create a chair in the online lobbys, this is what you need to do.While standing in the lobby, press X, hold it, then press A. A chair will appear, in the color or your section ID. Press A to move forward, and the control stick to turn. To make the chair go away, press B. Duplicate items onlineEnter a game online and drop the item that you want to dupe. Get someone to stay in the game and turn off the GC Then turn it on again and enter the game the item should be there and you should have one in your inventory! dressing roomYou get access to the dressing room if you successfully clear all of the areas in the 1p mode. (not sure if it works if you beat it in online mode)Very Hard Difficulty Mode Finish the game using normal difficulty in both episodes. Reach a level of 20 online to get the online hard mode Get Ultimate Difficulty Mode Finish the game using very hard difficulty in both episodes. Reach a level of 80 online to get the online hard mode