NHL 2003
Category: Gamecube/Cheats N
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Extra Players

Every year a few players are still in the database that aren't in the game. To create these players, simply go to the creat a player screen and enter the name of the player. Once you have entered the name, the game will say that this player is already in the database and ask if you would like to create a player just like them, select yes.

Adam Hall
Alfie Michaud
Barry Richter
Ben Simon
Blake Bellefeuille
Brad Moran
Brian Sutherby
Chris Ferraro
Corey Hirsch
Dave Morisset
David Nemirovsky
Derek Mackenzie
Eric Fichaud
Evgeny Konstantinov
Greg Crozier
Greg Pankewicz
Guy Hebert
Ivan Huml
Jakub Cutta
Jason LaBarbera
Jason Zent
Johan Witehall
Kay Whitmore
Larry Murphy
Mark Fitzpatrick
Marquis Mathieu
Martin Brochu
Matt Herr
Matt Higgins
Michel Larocque
Raffi Torres
Rene Corbet
Rich Parent
Rick Tabaracci
Sascha Goc
Scott Fankhouser
Ty Jones
Xavier Delisle

How To Improve Your offensive Game

When your player has the puck in the offensive zone near the blue line, shoot the puck while holding down the "Deflection/Shot Block' button to make one of your players skate to the front of the net and deflect the puck on goal.

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