NCAA Football 2005
Category: Gamecube/Cheats N
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Contributor: admin


Select My NCAA option then the Pennant Collection. Now select enter codes and use any of the following:

Effect - Code
1st and 15 Pennant; opponent gains 15 yards for first down: THANKS
2003 All-Americans pennant: FUMBLE
Alabama All-time team: ROLL TIDE
Arizona mascot team: BEAR DOWN
Auburn All-time team: WAR EAGLE
Badgers All-time team: U RAH RAH
Baylor ratings boost: SIC EM
Blink Pennant; ref spots ball short for opponent: FOR
Boing Pennant; opponent drops passes more: REGISTERING
Clemson All-time team: DEATH VALLEY
Colorado All-time team: GLORY
Crossed The Line card: TIBURON
Cuffed card: EA SPORTS
Illinois ratings boost: OSKEE WOW
Iowa State mascot team: RED AND GOLD
Jumbalaya Pennant: HIKE
Kansas mascot team: ROCK CHALK
Kansas State All-time team: VICTORY
LSU All-time team: GEAUX TIGERS
Michigan All-time team: GO BLUE
Michigan State mascot team: GO GREEN
Minnesota mascot team: RAH RAH RAH
Mississippi State All-time team: HAIL STATE
Mizzou mascot team: MIZZOU RAH
Molasses: HOME FIELD
NC State mascot team: GO PACK
Nebraska All-time team: GO BIG RED
Notre Dame All-time team: GOLDEN DOMER
NU mascot team: GO CATS
Oklahoma All-time team: BOOMER
Ole Miss Mascot team: HOTTY TOTTY
Oregon All-time team: QUACK ATTACK
OSU All-time team: GO POKES
Penn State All-time team: WE ARE
Pittsburgh All-time team: LETS GO PITT
Purdue All-time team: BOILER UP
Quarterback Dud pennant: ELITE 11
Stiffed pennant: NCAA
Syracuse All-time team: BIG ORANGE
Take Your Time pennant: FOOTBALL
TAMU All-time team: GIG EM
Tennessee All-time team: ORANGE CRUSH
Texas All-time team: HOOK EM
Texas Tech ratings boost: FIGHT
Thread The Needle pennant: 2005
UCLA All-time team: MIGHTY
UGA All-time team: HUNKER DOWN
USC All-time team: FIGHT ON
UNC All-time team: RAH RAH
UVA All-time team: WAHOOS
VT All-time team: TECH TRIUMPH
Washington All-time team: BOW DOWN
What A Hit pennant: BLITZ
WSU mascot team: ALL HAIL
WVU mascot team: HAIL WV

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