NBA Street Vol. 2
Category: Gamecube/Cheats N
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Contributor: admin

Cheat mode

Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

Unlimited turbo

While Holding L press B, B, Y, Y.

Show Ball trails

While Holding L press Y, Y, Y, B.

No display bars

While Holding L press B, X, X, X.

Get Big Heads

While Holding L press X, B, B, X

Tiny Players

While Holding L press Y, Y, X, B.

Rims Explode

While Holding L press X, X, X, Y.

ABA ball

While Holding L press X, B, X, B.

Get St. Lunatics & Street Legends

While Holding L press X, Y, B, Y

Get Classic MJ

While Holding L press X, Y, X, X

Get All Quicks

While Holding L press Y, X, Y, B

Get No Counters

While Holding L press Y, Y, X, X

Get Small Players

While Holding L press Y, Y, X, B

Get All jerseys

While Holding L press B, Y, X, X.

Get All NBA legends

While Holding L press B, Y, Y, X..

Easy Way To Unlock Nelly

Okay this is an easy one to do. First you go to street school, then you complete all the things that "Stretch" tells you to do. After you do that you get 1000 reward points. Now you can buy Nelly& The St. Lunatics

Game Milestones

Score 1,000,000 Trick Points or more in a single game.
Shut out the opponent team in a single game.

Win with 21 or more alley-oops in a single game.

Win without being blocked by the other team in a single game.

Create a baller with maximum skills (all skill crowns at level 5, one at level 6).

NBA Challenge: Clear Northwest region without any losses.

NBA Challenge: Clear Central region without any losses.

NBA Challenge: Clear Southwest region without any losses.

NBA Challenge: Clear Northeast region without any losses.

NBA Challenge: Clear Southeast region without any losses.

Complete Street School.

Complete Street School without failing any lessons.

Accumulate 20 or more blocks against your opponent in a single game.

Accumulate 20 or more steals against your opponent in a single game.

Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 1 (Rookie).

Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 2 (Baller).

Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 4 (Superstar).

Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 5 (Legend).

Play Pick-Up Game mode in each of the scoring rule categories (My Rules).

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