NBA Street
Category: Gamecube/Cheats N
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Cheats Off

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Shoe, Basketball, Shoe

Auto Replays Off

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Stereo, Stereo, Stereo, Stereo

Authentic uniforms

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Shoe, Stereo, Stereo

Casual uniforms

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Shoe, Megaphone, Megaphone

Player Names

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Stereo, Stereo, Basketball, Stereo

HUD display Gone

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Stereo, Stereo, Shoe, Stereo

Player Indicators Off

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Stereo, Stereo, Backboard, Stereo

Shot Indicator Off

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Stereo, Stereo, Stereo, Backboard

Get Explosive rims

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Stereo, Stereo, Stereo, Megaphone

Get ABA ball

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Basketball, Stereo, Shoe

Summer Joe "The Show"

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Stereo, Stereo, Megaphone, Stereo

Spring Joe "The Show"

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Stereo, Stereo, Stereo, Basketball

Get WNBA ball

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Basketball, Shoe, Backboard

Get Nufx ball

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Basketball, Back Board, Megaphone

Get Soccer ball

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Basketball, Megaphone, Megaphone

Get Beach ball

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Basketball, Stereo, Stereo

Get Medicine ball

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Basketball, Shoe, Shoe

Get EA Big ball

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Basketball, Megaphone, Stereo

Get Volleyball

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Basketball, Backboard, Backboard

Small Players

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Shoe, Shoe, Shoe, Stereo

Get Big Heads

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Shoe, Shoe, Shoe, Backboard

Small Heads

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Shoe, Shoe, Shoe, Megaphone

Get ABA socks

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Shoe, Shoe, Shoe, Shoe

Less gamebreakers

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Shoe, Stereo, Stereo, Basketball

More gamebreakers

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Shoe, Backboard, Backboard, Basketball

No gamebreakers

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Shoe, Megaphone, Megaphone, Basketball

Shot Clock Off

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Shoe, Shoe, Shoe, Basketball

Captain Quicks

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Shoe, Stereo, Backboard, Basketball

No dunks

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Stereo, Backboard, Shoe, Basketball

No juice

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Stereo, Backboard, Backboard, Basketball

Get Unlimited turbo

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Stereo, Shoe, Shoe, Basketball

Mega dunking

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Megaphone, Megaphone, Basketball

Ultimate power

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Stereo, Shoe, Backboard, Basketball

Mad hands

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Shoe, Backboard, Stereo, Basketball

Easy distance shots

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Backboard, Backboard, Basketball

Harder distance shots

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Stereo, Stereo, Basketball

Super swats

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Backboard, Stereo, Shoe, Basketball

Sticky fingers

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Backboard, Shoe, Stereo, Basketball

Less blocks

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Stereo, Shoe, Basketball

Less steals

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Shoe, Backboard, Basketball

No alley-oops

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Backboard, Stereo, Basketball

No 2-pointers

Go to the versus screen before starting a game and enter Basketball, Stereo, Backboard, Basketball

Unlock special court

Complete street school and special court will arrive at court selection

Teams & a Court

Big team
Get 10 wins in any mode to unlock the Big team.

3LW team
Get 20 wins in any mode to unlock the 3LW team.

NYC Legends team
Get 30 wins in any mode to unlock the NYC Legends team.

Street Legends team
Win the City Circuit tournament to unlock the Street Legends team. This team includes Biggs, Bonafide, Drake, DJ, Takashi, Stretch, and Michael Jordan.

Dream Team
Win hold the court mode to unlock a team that includes Graylien Alien, Magma Man, and Yeti Snowman.

Pacific Boulevard court
Successfully complete all training sessions in street school mode to unlock the Boulevard court.

Get Street Players

To get good street players play City Curcuit and win multiple games. After you win a certain amount of games then it will have a street challenge with the team named after their main player. If you win that then you get the main player. Some of these players are really good and others ok. It really depends on the kind of game you want to play.


First off anyone who's played this game knows, that the key to winning is the gamebreaker, so this code tells you how to pull of massive combos everytime to contribute to it. As soon as you get the ball, give a couple of passes to your team-mates, do 2 or 3 fake-out moves into your opponent, and then put it in their face even more by slamin' the ball through a Dinner's-served or an Alley-oop. this should get you a lot of points every time, and by the time you have about 5 or 6 points, you should be ready for the big G.B.NOTE:the fakeot(s) and the dunk should be performed by a good all-around player such as Garnet, Webber, McGrady, or a good Create-A-Player.

Winning in Create Player Outfits

If you want to win in new looks, clothes, or shoes this is how you do it. You first should win in most of the levels so you can get them all in. Then you go and play hold the court, and under the picture of the court your playing at on the left side of the screen it will say win streak needed and trickpoints needed. Then under that it will say the win streak you have for that level and the total trick points. After beating the amount of games it says to, after the final game it will say following hookups and under it it should say new look, new outfit, and new shoes. You then can go to the create a player menu and fool around will how your guy looks.

Easy Alley-oops

After the other team scores throw the ball in and use your turbo to go down the field. Once you get down court there will be a person on your team down there already. wait until he jumps and push the A button. you`ll have Alley-oops all day!

Easy 152,000 Points

At First I did this cheat and I had around 386,000 pts. then I had 510,000! Here is how to do it. First, have 20 points (if you are playing up to 21 pts.) and have your gamebreaker meter close to full. Then, once you have a gamebreaker do it make sure you're doing a dunk. You will have a combo for a busted rim and a gamebreaker. when I did it I got 152,000 pts!!!!

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