Madden NFL 06
Category: Gamecube/Cheats M
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin
Unlock Cheats:
Go to My Madden at the menu, select My Madden, then go toMadden Cards. Select Madden Codes. Enter the case-sensitive code to unlock the corresponding cheats:


555128All Stadiums
614897Classic Teams
Z28X8K3rd Down
P66C4L 5th Down
N44D6EBad Spot
J33I8F+75% Defensive Interceptions
L96U8ZCoffin Corner
P39I7JCouch Potato
B61A8MInfinite Pass Range
I76X3TInfinite Field Goal Range
M89S8GExtra Credit
V65J8PFirst and Fifteen
O72E9BFirst and Five
R14B8ZOpponents Fumbles +75%
R18C5KHands Of Glue
W18R6PHands Of Stone
L96J7PBreak Tackle +75%
D57R5SOpponent Lobs Passes
X78P9ZNo Fumbles or Interceptions
Y59R8RQB Cannot be Sacked
G97L1JPocket Protectors
E65S6MQB On Target
D59K3YDiving Distance +75%
V34L6DOpponents Uprights Narrow
Q83L6QTime Out
L48G1EOpponent Fumbles when Jukes
P13Q7VWind Gust
H89Q4YWorker's Comp
5E8H1ADonovan McNabb Gold Card

Madden Cards:
Get a "Gold" in the following drills in mini-camp mode to unlock the corresponding card.

#3: All-Madden Chase and Tackle
#28: All-Madden Coffin Corner
#36: All-Madden Ground Attack
#40: All-Madden Precision Passing
#52: All-Madden Swat Ball
#96: All-Madden Trench Fight
#58: All-Madden Clutch Kicking
#16: All-Madden Pocket Presence
#194 (3rd Down): Rookie Chase and Tackle
#195 (Human Plow): Rookie Ground Attack
#197 (Da Boot): Rookie Clutch Kicking
#199 (Lame Duck): Rookie Swat Ball
#208 (Pocket Protectors): Rookie Pocket Presence
#209 (Penetration): Rookie Trench Fight
#210 QB (On Target): Rookie Precision Passing
#211 (Coffin Corner): Rookie Coffin Corner Punt

Interview questions
In NFL Superstar mode, make sure to choose your answers to interview questions wisely. The answers will affect your personality type and most endorsement companies want a player with a more conservative personality type, such as "Team Leader" or "Professional".

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