MVP Baseball 2005
Category: Gamecube/Cheats M
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Unlock Midget Players:
Create a player with one of the following case-sensitive names to create a midget player:

keegan paterson
jacob paterson
isaiah paterson

Unlock everything:
Enter Katie Roy as a case-sensitive name when creating a player.

Bigger body:
Enter kenny lee as a case-sensitive name when creating a player.

Thin bat:
Enter erik kiss as a case-sensitive name when creating a player.

Unlock Legendary Teams:
Unlock all 25 Legends Team players.

Unlock Heroes Teams:
Unlock all 25 Heroes Team players.

Unlock Secrets Mode:
Purchase all the available Ballpark Upgrades in Owner Mode to unlock an extra option in the Buy Assets menu.

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