James Bond: 007 Agent Under Fire
Category: Gamecube/Cheats J
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What You getFinish this LevelWith this rank
Golden CH-6Precious CargoGold
Golden grenade power-upNight Of The JackalGold
Golden clip power-upCold ReceptionGold
Golden bullet power-upPoseidonGold
Unlimited car missilesDangerous PursuitGold
Unlimited Golden gun ammunitionEvil SummitGold
Rapid fire power-upFire And WaterGold
Lotus Esprit carStreets Of BucharestGold
Regenerative armor power-upMediterranean CrisisGold
Stealth Bond skin in for multi-playerDangerous PursuitPlatinum + all 007 icons
Golden accuracy power-upBad DiplomacyGold
Golden gun in for multi-playerPrecious CargoPlatinum + all 007 icons
Golden GunTrouble In ParadiseGold
Rocket Manor for for multi-player levelTrouble In ParadisePlatinum + all 007 icons
Guard skin in for multi-playerCold ReceptionPlatinum + all 007 icons
Cyclops Oil guard skin in for multi-playerPoseidon levelPlatinum + all 007 icons
Carrier guard multi-player skinEvil SummitPlatinum + all 007 icons
Poseidon guard skin in for multi-playerMediterranean CrisisPlatinum + all 007 icons
Alpine guard skin in for multi-playerStreets Of BucharestPlatinum + all 007 icons
Full arsenal in for multi-playerForbidden DepthsPlatinum + all 007 icons
Gravity boots in for multi-playerBad DiplomacyPlatinum + all 007 icons
Viper gun in for multi-playerNight Of The JackalPlatinum + all 007 icons
Calypso gun in for multi-playerFire And WaterPlatinum + all 007 icons

Secret Passage

In the level called "Cold Reception", go to where you find the blueprints. Go to that picture of a girl and hit the "A" Button The door will open and you can get body armor and a huge gun.

How to get mrl-22 in "trouble in paradise"

First enter through the ventilation tower with your Q-claw then jump down onto the floor but stay behind the guy typing on the computer then get out your fist and punch him from behind then you will see a red key card on the desk pick it up decrypt the door in front of the computer walk over to the amory door and there will be a slot to stick the keycard into then the door will open and a rocket launcher and 4 grenades will be in there. ENJOY!!

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