Incredibles, The
Category: Gamecube/Cheats I
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Big heads

Hit pause then under secrets enter EINSTEINIUM.

Small heads

Hit pause then under secrets enter DEVOLVE.

Destroy everything in surroundings

Hit pause then under secrets enter SMARTBOMB.

Fire trail

Hit pause then under secrets enter ATHLETESFOOT.

Get eye lasers

Hit pause then under secrets enter GAZERBEAM.

Infinite incredi-power for Elastigirl

Hit pause then unders secrets enter FLEXIBLE.

Infinite incredi-power for Mr Incredible

Hit pause then under secrets enter SHOWTIME.

Makes the game 20% easier

Hit pause then under secrets enter BOAPLACE.

One hit kills

Hit pause then under secrets enter KRONOS.

Restore 25% health

Hit pause then under secrets enter UUDDLRLRBAS.

Slow motion mode

Hit pause then under secrets enter BWTHEMOVIE.

Speed up gameplay

Hit pause then under secrets enter SASSMODE.

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