Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
Category: Gamecube/Cheats G
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin


Enter "INVULN" as a name.

Permanent super shot with large crossbow

Enter "SSHOTS" as a name.

Permanent triple shot

Enter "MENAGE" as a name.

Permanent reflect shot

Enter "REFLEX" as a name.

Permanent Pojo the Chicken

Enter "EGG911" as a name.

Permanent Anti-Death

Enter "1ANGEL" as a name.

Permanent invisibility

Enter "000000" as a name.

Permanent x-ray vision

Enter "PEEKIN" as a name.

Permanent full turbo

Enter "PURPLE" as a name.

Permanent shrink enemy and growth

Enter "DELTA1" as a name.

Always have nine potions and keys

Enter "ALLFUL" as a name.

Run quickly

Enter "XSPEED" as a name.

Throw quickly

Enter "QCKSHT" as a name.

10,000 gold per level

Enter "10000K" as a name.

Dwarf is a large jester

Enter "ICE600" as a name.

Dwarf in S&M costume

Enter "NUD069" as a name.

Jester is a stick figure with smiley face

Enter "STX222" as a name.

Jester is a stick figure with baseball cap head

Enter "KJH105" as a name.

Jester is a stick figure with Mohawk head

Enter "PNK666" as a name.

Knight is a Roman centurion

Enter "BAT900" as a name.

Knight is a ninja (sword and claws) costume

Enter "TAK118" as a name.

Knight is a bald man in street clothes (Sean Gugler)

Enter "STG333" as a name.

Knight is an orange-skirted waitress

Enter "KAO292" as a name.

Knight wears street clothes (Chris Sutton)

Enter "CSS222" as a name.

Knight wears street clothes

Enter "ARV984" as a name.

Knight wears street clothes and baseball cap

Enter "DIB626" as a name.

Knight is a quarterback

Enter "RIZ721" as a name.

Knight wears black karate outfit with twin scythes

Enter "SJB964" as a name.

Knight as Darth Taranice form episode II

He almost looks like Darth Taranice form episode II just pretend his sword is a regular light saber the code is: DARTHC

Valkyrie as the grim reaper with bloody scythe

Enter "TWN300" as a name.

Valkyrie as a Japanese school girl

Enter "AYA555" as a name.

Valkyrie as a cheerleader with baton

Enter "CEL721" as a name.

Warrior with an ogre costume

Enter "CAS400" as a name.

Warrior as an Orc Boss

Enter "MTN200" as a name.

Warrior with a rat head

Enter "RAT333" as a name.

Wizard with an evil appearance

Enter "GARM99" as a name.

Wizard as an undead lich

Enter "GARM00" as a name.

Wizard as a pharaoh

Enter "DES700" as a name.

Wizard as an alien

Enter "SKY100" as a name.

Wizard as Sumner

Enter "SUM224" as a name.

Random name

At the name screen, press B to submit a blank entry to get a random name.

Bonus levels

Play the first level three or more times, then go to the Section level. Play that level two times to unlock another section of levels.

Full Stats

You can do this at any level all you need is money. Go to shop and the last 4 items to buy which are add 10 to strength, Magic, Speed, and Armor(not in that order). Each cost $1,000 to buy so you have to have alot of money. Just buy one at a time like all Armor then all Magic etc..... and that's how you get full stats.

Secret Bridge

When you open the east wing of Summer's tower go to where the waterfall is (on the east side) and you will sea a switch press it and a brige will link the east wing and the west wing together.

Get 10000K at the end of each level

Get $10000 gold at the end of each level by putting your name in as 10000K

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