Extreme G3
Category: Gamecube/Cheats E
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Infinite Shields and Turbos

At the Press Start screen press L R Z L R Z. This will only last for one race. You will need to enter it again for each race.

Infinite Ammo

At the Press Start screen press L R L R L R Z. This will only last for one race. You will need to enter it again for each race.
Submitted by Jawsodj007

Always Win XG Career Mode Races

At the Press Start screen R L Z L R Z R L Z. This will only last for one race. You will need to enter it again for each race.

Double Prize Money

At the Press Start screen L R Z L R Z L R.

Extreme Lap Challenge

At the Press Start screen L R L R L R Z L R.

All Teams and Tracks

At the Press Start screen L L R R Z Z L R Z.

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