Cubix: Robots Showdown
Category: Gamecube/Cheats C
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Get Game Finished as Abbey

Go to "Extras" from the main menu and go to the "cheats" screen and press X, R, X, Y, X, Y, R, L

Get game Finished as Conner

Go to "Extras" from the main menu and go to the "cheats" screen and press X, Y, L, Y, X, Y, L, R

Get Construction & Robots

Go to "Extras" from the main menu and go to the "cheats" screen and press Y, Y, Y, Y, Z, A, R

Get Dr. K's Base & Robots

Go to "Extras" from the main menu and go to the "cheats" screen and press Z, A, Y, Y, Y, X, A

Get Bubble & Town & Night & Robots

Go to "Extras" from the main menu and go to the "cheats" screen and press Y, L, Y, Y, X, L, Z

Get Bubble & Town & Day & Robots

Go to "Extras" from the main menu and go to the "cheats" screen and press Y, Y, Z, Y, Y, R, L

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