Category: Gamecube/Cheats C
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Avoiding the Freedom Fighters:
Use the following trick to get around the Freedom Fighters shooting at you. Enter the kitchen and walk over to Mrs. Sanderson. To her left is a group of cabinets. Climb the handles until you reach the top of the counter. You should see a flashing cup. Walk up to it and press A to get it. You will see a short intermission sequence about it. Try to fall onto the cabinet handles. This is very difficult, and you may die by falling off. Go to the foyer and use the cup, it is in your X menu. The Egg Soldiers now cannot hurt you and you can cross to the basement. Once you reach the basement, the Egg Soldiers will leave you alone for good.

Entering the backyard:
Buy the Chibi-Blaster, then go to the big window. All the way to the right of the window is a bear sticker. Shoot it with Chibi-Blaster and enter the crack. Make sure to have full energy when going outside, as there do not appear to be any plugs out there.

Entering the kitchen:
To get into the kitchen, it must first be at night. Also, you must get the Drake Redcrest suit. If it suddenly says that the TV turns on, run into the glow of television on the floor. There will be an intermission sequence about an action figure named Drake Redcrest. When he starts to patrol the ground, talk to him. Answer his questions to get his suit. He will tell you to speak to him again to get hero training. Talk to him again to get the pose for the Drake Redcrest suit. Walk around a bit, and you will soon see a big colorful worm wedged between a door writing in a diary. Hop into the Redcrest suit and talk to the worm. Hide around the corner until she cannot see you and talk to her. She will ask if you are really Drake Redcrest. Say "Yes" then walk in front of her and strike a pose using Z. Note: This will result in high battery consumption. She will get scared and wiggle away.

Giga Charger:
The Giga Charger is in the basement. Use chibi-vision to look up at the ceiling keep looking until you spot it. Once you do, shoot down the wooden board nearby and follow that path. Once you obtain it, Captian Plankbeard will tell you about the Giga Robos leg.

Medic suit:
Run out of battery once to wake up in your house with a sling and lots of bandages.

Unlock all suits and chibi gear:
Buy in shop for 1110 Moolah - Chibi-Blaster
Buy in shop for 1120 Moolah after giving Mrs Sanderson some clothes for the pajamas - Chibi-Radar
Talk to Drake Redcrest in the Living Room at night - Drake Redcrest Suit
Squirt water on the frog in the backyard - Frog Suit
Use Trauma Suit's pose - Ghost Suit
On the kitchen counter during the day - Mug
Give Mrs Sanderson old clothes after she stays in her room - Pajamas
Use Ladder Utilibot in kitchen to get to the shelf - Spoon
Under Jenny's TV in Jenny's Room - Squirter
Activate Giga-Robo - Super-Chibi-Robo suit
Finish the first four Free Ranger trainings and start the fifth - Tao Suit
Under the couch i8n the Living Room - Toothbrush
Die once - Trauma Suit

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