Cel Damage |
Gamecube/Cheats C
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Various CheatsAt the Character Selection screen select Load and enter any of the following "Names": Code | Effect | TWRECKSPAD | Jungle World | BRAINSALAD | Space World | GUNSMOKE | Ranged Weapons | MOVEITNOW | Movement Powerups | MULTIPLEX | All FMV Sequences | COUNTDEAD | Get Transylvania World & Count Earl | WHACKLAND | Get Desert World & Whack Angus | PENCILS | Get Pen & Ink Mode | FATHEAD | All Cars, Tracks, Modes | UNIQUEWPNS | Get Personal Weapons | HAZARDOUS | Get Hazard Weapons | MELEEDEATH | Get Melee Weapons | ENCHILADA! | Unlock Everything | FANPLASTIC | Get Plastic Graphics |
Unlock Brainiac and His levelsGo to select enter "brainsalad" as a new name.How To Get T. WrecksFirst get gate rally And Flag rally.Then you have to beat gate rally, smash attack, and flag rally on all three levels in one theme.How to get Count EarlFirst get flag rally and gate relay then go to the grave levels then beat them in all three events.(thats 9,smack attack, gate relay, flag rally) then you get count earl.Big Head ModeTo make all characters have big heads and small bodies press L+R+Up on the control stick for three seconds during gameplay.Unlock everythingStart a new game and then Name urself as PITA. To get everything exept plastic shading enter susie! as a nameGet Count Earl and his levelsFirst hit the play option on the title screen. Next go to the save/load option and put your name as EARLSPLACE. A horn will blow if you entered the code in correctly.CharactersDracula-Beat Transylvanina,3 Stages, All Categories.Rex-Beat Jungle,3 Stages, All Categories Whack Angus-Beat Wild West,3 Stages, All Categories Brian-Beat Space,3 Stages All Categories