Bratz: Rock Angelz
Category: Gamecube/Cheats B
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin
1,000 Blingz:
Enter YASMIN as a password at the Bratz Office cheat computer.

2,000 Blingz:
Enter PHOEBE as a password at the Bratz Office cheat computer.

2,100 Blingz:
Enter DANCIN as a password at the Bratz Office cheat computer.

Change Camerron:
Enter STYLIN as a password at the Bratz Office cheat computer.

Change the Paris Boy:
Enter ROCKIN as a password at the Bratz Office cheat computer.

Ringtone 12:
Enter BLAZIN as a password at the Bratz Office cheat computer.

Ringtone 15:
Enter FIANNA as a password at the Bratz Office cheat computer.

Ringtone 16:
Enter ANGELZ as a password at the Bratz Office cheat computer.

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