1080 Avalanche |
Gamecube/Cheats 0-9
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Final Challenges Cheats You can jump right to the timed final challenges in the game's Match Race mode. To do so, enter the following codes at the options screen: Novice Final ChallengeTrack Name: Sub-Zero Assault: Spinal Damage Code: JAS3IKRR Hard Final ChallengeTrack Name: Sub-Zero Assault: Ballistic Code: ZAUNIKFS Expert Final ChallengeTrack Name: Avalanche Alley: No Way Out Code: EATFIKRM Unlock Extreme Match Race To open up a hidden match race mode, "Extreme", beat all three standard difficulty levels. Once you have beaten Avalanche Alley: No Way Out, the Hard final challenge, wait for the credits to finish. The extreme course will now appear on the Match Race main screen. Earn New Costumes To get an alternate costume for your character, finish the Hard Match Race. You will only unlock a new outfit for the character you used to beat the mode. Mr. Beake's boardWin two trophies in gate challenge mode by besting the high score on two courses. NST 1080 Avalanche boardWin fifteen trophies in gate challenge mode by besting the high score on fifteen courses. Old School boardWin six trophies in gate challenge mode by besting the high score on six courses. Power Painter boardWin nine trophies in gate challenge mode by besting the high score on nine courses. Extreme courseSuccessfully complete novice, hard, and expert challenges to unlock the extreme course.