Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 6: Expert 2
Category: GBA/Cheats Y
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Card passwords

Enter the password to get the corresponding card. To enter the codes, press L to access to the sub-menu, then choose the second icon (Duel Assistance), press Down, choose 8 pass to enter the passwords.

Axe Raider48305365
Blue-Eyes White Dragon89631139
Compassionate Nun84080938
Cosmo Queen38999506
Cyborg Wyvern48766543
Dragon Capture Jar50045299
Earthbound Spirit67105242
Garneshia Elephantess49888191
Gate Guardin25833572
Giant Red Sea Snake85531685
Giant Soldier of Stone13039848
Goblin Strike Team78658564
Great Moth14141448
Harp Spirit80770678
Harpy Feather Duster18144506
Kaisar Dragon94566432
Magnet Valkyrion75347539
Masked Beast Death Guradiuss48948935
Masked Beast Hellraiser49064413
Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth48579379
Red-eyes Black Dragon74677422
Red-eyes Black Metal Dragon64335804
Serpent Night Dragon66516792
Summoned Skull70781052
Time Wizard71625222
Toon Blue-Eyes White Dragon53183600
Ushi Oni48649353
Wall of Illusions13945283
Water Mage85639257

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