Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3
Category: GBA/Cheats Y
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Bonus Games

At the level select screen, hold SELECT and press L, L, B, A, R to unlock bonus games.

Unlock New Levels

Beat the game and unlock 6 new levels.

Get Hard Mode

If you get 1000 points in a world a star will appear on the 'Select Game' screen. Once 5 stars are earned it unlocks Hard Mode.

Get Secret Ending

If you get 1000 points in a world a star will appear on the 'Select Game' screen. Once 6 stars are earned it unlocks a secret ending.

Get Bonus Endings

Bonus 1: Complete all the levels in a world, (EX. complete the levels for world 1 (1-8) with 100 points [30 points for stars, 20 points for the red coins and 50 points for all 5 flowers)and get bonus 1
Bonus: Beat bowser on level 6-8 and all of the bonus 2's open on the all of the worlds Final Ending: Beat the game with 1000 points (and that includes the bonuses)

Note: you can't get the final ending just by getting all of the points, you must fight Bowser again to give you the final ending.

Seven Lives

If you get a world score of 777 you will get 7 lives.

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