Spy Hunter
Category: GBA/Cheats S
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Arcade mode

Enter "EDACRA" as a name to unlock arcade mode.

Delete saved games

At the copyright screen, press Left(2), Right, Left, R(2).

Delete high scores

At the copyright screen, press Up(2), Down, L, R, L.

Super Agent mode

Successfully complete the game with all Primary Objectives and Secondary Objectives to unlock Super Agent mode.

Game Shark Codes

Master code must be on51CA404696A8BC0D
All missions unlocked13A3413B3A873A40
Infinite Turbo02E3D1A14F1027A8
Infinite Guns977E9D1D1E49D873
Infinite Rockets935B8D1813354C5E
Infinite Time6387247DD853AD58
Infinite Oil570ABE11C99B849A

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