Spongebob Squarepants: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman |
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Level 2On the main screen go to CONTINUE type in: BBBDBN or BBBXBN or BBBBD Get to the 3rd level of the jellyfish chapter.Enter password: GYXXBXGet to last levelEnter ???92? in continue to unlock all levels with hard difficulty. Put in ???91? to unlock all levels in easy difficulty. Also put in 9??92? to unlock all levels and have 8 underwear icons & 100% DubloonsAUnlock Jellyfish Jam Bonus Game Get all the coins in the 1st level and at the end of the game if you have 100% you will unlock the bonus game. To defeat the alaskan bullwormFirst wait till he comes out and when he spits furballs out attack them with the karate glove and pieces of them will go back and get caught in his throat. Repeat. Save your game!In order to save your game, beat Gary come home. When you play your game again, click continue, and type bbbbbn to get to, Jellyfish fields, Rock bottom, Sandy's mussel beach. To open it's a jungle out there, click continue, and then bbbbb5 Get dance level (make the right moves and gain extra lives) When you start your game you can either start new or continue. Press continue and type in bblvbn. When you start go to sponge bob's house you should see a path to his house. Go to the end, when your there press A and your in the bonus level. If this doesn't work then do it the hard way and beat the "Come home Gary" level with 100% coins. Go to Sandy's Tree DomeOnce u have delivered the krabby patties to the hungry people, go back 2 the bikini bottom bus stop. jump on the bench. when u get back, you will be near the krusty krab. go all the way down to either your left or right side. then u will B near spongebob's house. U will C that squidward is on a bed thingy. go up to him and he will talk to you. he will be reading a book. sponge bob will ask him if he could borrow it 4 a moment. he (squidward) will say no. sneak up to squidward when he is sleeping with L1. once you've gotten the book, the guy will read it to u. when spongebob closes the book and stops talking, you will hear some thing goin BOOM....BOOM....BOOM....and you will feel ur control vibrate evry time. sandy will come out. go to the back of squidwards house and go straight ahead to where she is. talk to her. then she will atay where she is. just leave her behind and got to the path behind her. beat her at a karate match. soon, u will be somewhere(SB's house i !think). go back to where the path to the tree dome is and you'll be there!!