Space Invaders
Category: GBA/Cheats S
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Classic Mode

Password: clss1281999dbm

Level Passwords

2 Earth wwyx tc2n qw79vy
3 Mars ?wz4 vcln 4w81v?
4 Jupiter rssn 3qj7 8?gjmc
5 Saturn wspz mso8 n?h8nf
6 Uranus cv1? qwkg j3x8r5
7 Neptune hv27 rw1g n3yor7
8 Pluto mv7h rclh 3zsr9
9 Alien Home rv8r rc2h x3?rjc


type: me a boss on the demo and become a boss when you play
Submitted by Ben Crow

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