Sonic Advance 3
Category: GBA/Cheats S
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Bonus Stage

Beat all special stages and on the main menu press UP, R, DOWN, L, RIGHT, LEFT.

Unlock more Characters

Knuckles: Beat sunset hill act 3 with Sonic as leader.
Amy: Finish Zone 4 act 3 with sonic as your leader.
Cream: To unlock Cream finish Zone 6 act 3.

Sound Test

Beat the final zone to unlock a sound test.

Screen Settings

At the title screen press R to change the screen settings. The original setting is for GBA, LCD 2 is for GBA SP, and LCD 3 is for playing the game on a TV.

Team Names

Team names given after you pick 2 characters is on the top of the screen. Here are the names:

Sonic & Tails: Unbreakable Bond
Sonic & Knuckles: Fighting Buddies
Sonic & Amy: Lovely Couple
Amy & Cream: Team Julibee

Easy Boss Killing

Use Cream as your main character with Tails as your partner. Pressing the "B" button will do a homing attack. This is particularly useful on bosses. I found it worked really well on Zone 6 and 7 bosses, as well as the final boss.

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