Sims' Bustin Out, The |
GBA/Cheats S
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Unlock Cheats: Unlock the game's cheats by buying them literally from Heidi Shadows, a Sim who sells cheats. She may appear in the following spots:
South and west of Imperial Estates between 2300 and 0000. North corner of Park Maze between 0300 and 0400.
A slight glitch may allow you to buy a helluva lot more cheats in one fell swoop in the Imperial Gardens location; you buy all the available cheats, scroll the vendor just before she vanishes, wait until 0100 then re-approach the vendor and her wares should be refreshed.
Fast Cash: In level 4, after you return the ashes to the ghost, search in the underground tunnels for a black bubble in the small paths. Once you come apon it, it will take you somewher else underground. Once underground, go to the two blue chairs that the light is shinning on. Afer you put them BOTH in your pocket, go to a store and sell them. They go for $1,000 each.
Free Furniture: On level four where you meet the ghost at the Haunted Shack you can get some free furniture. After you pick the lock and answer all of the ghost's riddles find the hidden cellar outside. There will be some items including a gazing ball when you take it to your house and take it out of your pocket. When you gaze into it your fun, room, and energy will rise.
Ghost Quiz Answers: How many sides does a circle have? [2] An apple, grape, banana, pear, which doesn't belong? [Banana] How many letters are in "the alphabet"? [11] "BCDEKIOX", which letter completes this pattern? [H] If you fill me i can point. If not full I do not move. I have 2 skins, one out and one in. What am i? [Glove]
Where are the Chickens: If you are having a hard time finding the chickens (2nd level the escape of the chickens)here are all locations where you can find them:
1) The first one is in your barn. 2) The second one is in the barn again but it is where your toilet is. 3 and 4) are outside of your uncle's house. 5) The fifth one is in the burning spoke. 6) The sixth one is in the side of burning spoke where dusty hog motorist being parked. 7) The seventh one is in the parking lot of the general store. 8) The last one is in the front of the general store where grasses have grown. |