Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire |
GBA/Cheats P
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Bonus StagesSpheal and Sealeo Bonus StageHow to get:Ruby: Get swallowed by the Wishcash that appears randomly (I think) in the pondwith the Chinchous and Lotads.Sapphire: Press the P button some times and then throw the ball up the leftsteel ramp to get carried by the Pelliper to this stage. Time: 2'00" Reward: Number of Spheals x 5,000,000 + Number of Pokeballs x 1,000,000 ------------------------------- Duskull Bonus GameHow to get: It appears randomly after catching 3 Pokemon, in the hole insapphire version only.Time: 2'00" Reward: 30,000,000 Kecleon Bonus StageHow to get: It appears randomly after catching 3 Pokemon, in the hole in rubyversion only.Time: 2'00" Reward: 30,000,000 Kyogre Bonus StageHow to get: Getting HOLE after evolving, catching or hatching 3 pokemon. Youcan also get this on the HOLE slots. Sapphire only.Time: 3'00" Reward: 50,000,000 , Capture Kyogre (if beaten twice) Groudon Bonus StageHow to get: Getting HOLE after evolving, catching or hatching 3 pokemon. Youcan also get this on the HOLE slots. Ruby only.Time: 3'00" Reward: 50,000,000 , Capture Groudon (if beaten twice) Rayquaza Bonus StageHow to get: Getting HOLE after evolving, catching or hatching 3 pokemon.Time: 3'00" Reward: 99,999,999 , Capture Rayquaza (if beaten twice)