Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
Category: GBA/Cheats P
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Cheat Mode

At the Title screen press L Select A Select R A L Select.

View All Levels

Enable Cheat Mode. Then press Select and R or L to scroll through the levels. Press Left to make the boomerang appear around the word Start.

All Weapons

Enable Cheat Mode. Then during gameplay hold Select and press B.

Infinite Continues

At the Continue screen press B B B.

Free Movement

Enable Cheat Mode. Then during gameplay hold Select and press the DPad in any direction.

Lakamul Rain Forest level

At the title screen, press A, L, A, R, A, L, Select(2), Start.

Nine continues

Quickly and repeatedly press Start at the continue screen until the remaining number of continues increases to nine.

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