Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Category: GBA/Cheats M
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Special Cup Circuit

Win a gold up in all races.

Super Mario Kart Tracks

Get 100 coins or more by the end of the cup.

Alternate title screen

Successfully complete all circuits in all classes to change the background color of the title screen.

Control player selection screen

At the character selection screen, press L to shoot a green shell or press R to jump.

Use horn

During a race, press Select to use the horn.

Quick start

Just before the last light turns on during the pre-race countdown, press Gas to get a quick start.

Delete game

Hold L + R + B + Start and power on the system to delete the current saved data.

Unlock Koopa

Go to first place with a spiny shell and shoot it, it should loop back and hit u. do this just as ur crossing the finish 2 unlok koopa.
Submitted by Get Koopa

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