Iridion 2
Category: GBA/Cheats I
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Level Codes

Level 2: 9PTBY
Level 3: TYHLY
Level 4: 9VDBW
Level 5: SLZGW
Level 6: TDZQ4
Level 7: 5M!H6
Level 8: N59G6
Level 9: 558GY
Level 10: 54!H4
Level 11: PCGZW
Level 12: NPH74
Level 13: 9GF46
Level 14: SOL46
Level 15: 9!H84

Game Finished


Various cheats

Effect - Code

Big Ship - !B1GH34D!
Blue Ship - !SH1P2!
Display Processor Usage - !L04D!
Display Number of Objects On-screen - !0BJS!
Finished Game - 4RC8! (Unlocks Arcade and Challenge Mode)
Rotating Drones - !R0T8!
Show Locations of Secrets - !S3CR3TS!
Smaller Ship - !M1CR0!
Unlock Jukebox - CH4LL

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