Doom 2
Category: GBA/Cheats D
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Contributor: admin


Press Start to pause game play, then hold L + R and press B, A, B, A(5)


Press Start to pause game play, then hold L + R and press B(3), A(5)

God mode

Press Start to pause game play, then hold L + R and press A(2), B, A(5).

Disable God mode

Press Start to pause game play, then hold L + R and press A(2), B, A, B(4).

Level skip

In single player games, press Start to pause game play, then hold L + R and press A, B, A(2), B(3), A.

Advance ten levels

In single player games, press Start to pause game play, then hold L + R and press A, B, A(2), B(2), A(2). You will advance ten levels, depending on the current level.

Computer map

Press Start to pause game play, then hold L + R and press B, A(7)

All weapons, items, keys

Press Start to pause game play, then hold L + R and press A, B(2), A(5).

Radiation suit

Press Start to pause game play, then hold L + R and press B(2), A(6)

Tower of babel level

Pause the game then Hold L + R and press A, B, A, B, A, B, B, A

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