Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy
Category: GBA/Cheats D
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Contributor: admin
Successfully complete story mode.

Dash's Haunted Locker Mini-game:
Enter DASH as a password.

Ghost Arena:
Enter RUSH as a password. In it you can play as Danny Phantom or Dan Phantom.

Ghost Plasma Colors For The Phantom Termos:
Green: Refills a bit of the life meter.
Purple: Refills a bit of the plasma meter.
Red: Refills both the life and plasma meters.

Hindin' Ghost Seek Mini-game:
Enter SEEK as a password.

Levitation Mini-game:
Enter JAZZ as a password.

Sam's X-ray Ecto Detector Mini-game:
Enter ECTO as a password.

When to use the Phantom Termo:
When you defeat a big ghost like the boxer ghost, it will leave a plasma mark. You can then use the Phantom Termo.

All Difficulties:
Enter VLAD as a password to unlock the easy, normal and hard difficulty settings.

Clockwork's Time Quest/Mission Mode:
To unlock Clockwork's Time Quest/Mission Mode, simply beat the game once on Normal difficulty. Once you do, go back to your saved game and Clockwork himself will fill you in on the rest. Then you're in Mission Mode. In this mode, you can also fight enemies from the past such as Skulker, Ember, and even The Box Ghost. This mode also has you do different things on the past levels to earn medals such as "Do NOT Use Plasma Powers" or "Beat 5 ghosts in under 30 seconds."

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