Board Game Classics
Category: GBA/Cheats B
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin
Bonus characters and themes:
Enter 192845 as a password to unlock Glorp, Telem, Chomp, and Bubbles; and the Fantasy and Atlantis themes.

Alternately, complete tournament mode in Chess or Checkers under the easy difficulty setting to unlock Glorp and Telem. Alternately, complete tournament mode in Chess or Checkers under the normal difficulty setting to unlock Chomp and Bubbles.

Complete tournament mode in Chess or Checkers under the easy difficulty setting to unlock the Fantasy theme. Complete tournament mode in Chess or Checkers under the normal difficulty setting to unlock the Atlantis theme.

Unlock Atlantis Theme and Bubble:
Win Tournament Once (Normal Level).

Unlock Atlantis Theme and Chomp:
Win Tournament Once (Normal Level).

Unlock Fantasy and Atlantis Themes:
Enter the following password: 192845

Unlock Fantasy Theme and Glorp:
Win Tournament Once (Easy Level).

Unlock Fantasy Theme and Telem:
Win Tournament Once (Easy Level).

Unlock Glorp:
Finish Tournament Once (Chess/Checkers).

Unlock Telem:
Finish Tournament Once (Chess/Checkers).

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