Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Category: GBA/Cheats A
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Contributor: admin
Easy points:
Mission 4 (Reclaim The Skies) in Campaign mode takes only about a minute to complete, and each time it will result in 300 points. After the mission, just save the game in a different file and quit Campaign mode. Load the file for Mission 4 and repeat to get as many points as desired. Note: Make sure to save in the file marked Mission 5 after completing Mission 4. Mission 4 gives you points towards Rachael's CO ranking. Mission 2 is also quick, and is good for getting points for Jake towards his CO ranking.

Hard Combat mode:
Successfully complete Combat mode to unlock Hard Combat mode.

Hidden map:
While selecting Map Design mode, hold L + R to display a map with terrain that spells "Advance Wars". Also, there are two groups of buildings at the bottom of the hidden map. The orange buildings make the orange star symbol, while the blue buildings make the blue moon symbol.

More bonuses:
CO Edit: Reach level 10 or higher with a CO to unlock an alternate costume option in the CO Edit menu.

Gallery (costs 2,000 points): Successfully complete Normal Campaign mode.

Mistwalker: Successfully complete Hard Campaign mode.

Oozium (costs 1,000 points): Win Mission 22.

Soul Of Hachi: Successfully complete Hard Campaign mode.

Soundroom: Successfully complete Normal Campaign mode and buy everything from Hachi.

Wallpapers: Successfully complete Campaign mode to unlock wallpapers for the three COs used most in that campaign at the Display menu.

Battle Map Shop bonuses:
Advance Warpaper (costs 1 point): Have the Game Boy Advance game Advance Wars inserted.

Advance Warpaper 2 (costs 1 point): Have the Game Boy Advance game Advance Wars 2 inserted.

Hachi's Land map (costs 1 point): Have the Game Boy Advance game Advance Wars inserted.

Lash's Land map (costs 1 point): Have the Game Boy Advance game Advance Wars 2 inserted.

Nell's Land map (costs 1 point): Have the Game Boy Advance game Advance Wars inserted.

Strum's Land map (costs 1 point): Have the Game Boy Advance game Advance Wars 2 inserted.

Bonus COs:
Adder (costs 1,000 points): Win Mission 26 in Normal Campaign mode.

Candle (costs 3,500 points): Win Mission 26 in Normal Campaign mode.

Chakka (costs 3,500 points): Win Mission 26 in Normal Campaign mode.

Flak (costs 1,000 points): Win Mission 26 in Normal Campaign mode.

Grimm (costs 1,000 points): Win Mission 20 in Normal Campaign mode.

Hachi (costs 2,000 points): Successfully complete Normal Campaign mode with an overall "S" rank.

Hawke (costs 1,000 points): Win Mission 26 in Normal Campaign mode.

Javier (costs 1,000 points): Win Mission 20 in Normal Campaign mode.

Juggler (costs 3,000 points): Win Mission 26 in Normal Campaign mode.

Kindle (costs 3,500 points): Win Mission 26 in Normal Campaign mode.

Koal (costs 3,500 points): Win Mission 26 in Normal Campaign mode.

Lash (costs 1,000 points): Win Mission 26 in Normal Campaign mode.

Nell (costs 2,000 points): Successfully complete Normal Campaign mode with an overall "A" rank.

Sasha (costs 600 points): Win Mission 20 in Normal Campaign mode.

Sturm (costs 5,000 points): Unlock all other COs, their color edits, and earn all 300 medals.

Von Bolt: Successfully complete Hard Campaign mode.

Zipo (costs 3,000 points): Win Mission 26 in Normal Campaign mode.

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