Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
Category: GBA/Cheats A
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Contributor: admin

Erase Data

Like in the first Advance Wars, you can erase your save data by holding L+Right+Select before turning the game on.

Lab Map Locations

To gain Neotanks , you have to capture a specific city in a specific map to get the lab map, and then beat a hidden mission. You have to do this in each country.

Orange star

Flak Attack: City north of your HQ, within range of your units starting positions.
Secret Level: Test of Time

Blue Moon

Toy Box: South-Western most Neutral city, AKA: the one on the weird island. Secret Level: Neotanks!?

Yellow Comet

Show Stopper: South-western most neutral city. Secret Level: Sea of Hope

Green Earth

Sinking Feeling: Southernmost city on the western island Secret Level: Danger X9

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