Wario Blast
Category: Gameboy/Cheats W
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Special Battle

Password: 5656 for Bomberman
Password: 6565 for Wario

All PowerUps

Password: 4622 for Bomberman
Password: 2264 for Wario

Level Passwords

For Wario enter the following. For Bomberman reverse the password:12 6007
13 4778
1B 1415
21 5819
22 0164
23 0362
2B 9653
31 1048
32 4268
33 3710
3B 8282
41 2514
42 1543
43 2134
4B 4780
51 9091
52 0105
53 4092
5B 6271
61 4163
62 0160
63 7689
6B 8169
71 4881
72 2077
73 5296
7B 0117
81 4185
82 6318
83 0930
8B 8513

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