Shrek: Fairy Tale FreakDown
Category: Gameboy/Cheats S
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Stage Passwords

Village as Thelonius LRSVGTLXM
Dungeon as Thelonius YFSVGTLXK
Village as Shrek SMHTVKCQR
Dungeon as Shrek TQDFNHGGM
Swamp as Shrek Gingerbread Man unlocked TFGKWLSJJ
Dark Forest as Shrek Invinicibilty Powerup unlocked KDNBQGKVY
Bridge as Shrek Speed Powerup unlocked KWJPYXCQC
Castle as Shrek Ogre Strength Powerup The Dragon unlocked YNNHLBMBY

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