Pokemon Yellow |
Gameboy/Cheats P
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How to get SquirtleFirst you need to get the HM01 (cut)then go to Officer Jenny in the middle of the town.No more missngnoIn Pokemon Yellow there is no more missingno. the code has been fixed!!Where to get Charmander,Squirtle and BulbasaurFirst go to Cerulean and make sure you beat L.T Surge and then go up the bridge keep going straight after you get off the bridge and talk to the guy you see to get Charmander. Get Squirtle 1. Go to Vermillion City.2. Beat LT. SURGE and get the Thunder Badge. 3. Go to the lady in the middle of town. 4. She is OFFICER JENNY. 5. She will say that this Squirtle is making mischief. 6. She will say it needs a good trainer to set it straight, and she will give you Squirtle. In Cerulean go in the building to the left of the poke center and talk to the girl by the bulbasaur to get him. Get pikachu to like you soonStart the game and go to the pc and get the potion. Next when proffessor Oak gives a Pikachu to you, don't leave! Turn around and talk to Pikachu.(He will look sad.)Use the potion on Pikachu. It will say you can't do it. But try it 5 times and when you talk to him again he will look very happy. Then leave by defeating Gary on the way out.Catch Tauros at Safari zoneTo catch Tauros at the Safari Zone is you have to be in the zones 2 or 3 walk in the grass and if you see a Tauros hold up and A tight. It might not work the first time but try it every time maybe by the time you get 27S. balls you will get a Tauros.MachampFirst get a cubone. Then go back to celadon city and go to the under ground tunnel and talk to the lady and then she will ask you if you want to trade a cubone for a machamp. Surfing pikachuFirst go to fuscia city, and beat the Gym leader, and then go down to the water and there is a house and the guy in there will give you a Surfing Pikachu. (It is realy a pikablu.)Clone PokemonOk they had to make it where you could do this on Yellow too!1. Hook 2 gameboys together 2.One person must have a strong or rare pokemon, and the other person must have a weak and common one. 3. Trade 4. When the trade is almost over it will say waiting. 5.The person who had the rare pokemon 1st turns their GB off, and the other game lets theirs say TRADE COMPLETE. 6. When you turn yur gameboys back on you should both have the rare or strong pokemon.