Category: Gameboy/Cheats N
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

PowerUp Defense

At Tonight's Matchup hold Up and press A A A A A.

PowerUp Interceptions

At Tonight's Matchup hold Right and press A A A A A.

PowerUp Fire

At Tonight's Matchup hold Left and press A7x.

PowerUp Dunks

At Tonight's Matchup press A10x then hold Down A until the screen fades.

PowerUp Turbo

At Tonight's Matchup press A15x then hold Up B until the screen fades.

PowerUp Fire

At Tonight's Matchup press A7x then hold Down Left until the screen fades.

Juice Mode

At Tonight's Matchup press A14x then hold A B until the screen fades.

Display Shot Percentage

At Tonight's Matchup press A A A then hold Up B until the screen fades.

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