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Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX |
Gameboy/Cheats M
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Mission codesThese are level codes (completed missions) with McCoy: 1). C0BRSBNVBW 2). F0B0SBNBBW 3). F0B85BNBBW 4). KWBHSBNBBW 5). KYBHSBNVBW 6). KFBHSBNVBW 7). TFB0SBNVBW 8). TFC0SBN3BW 9).FC0SBN3BW 10).DC8SBNBBW 11).NCRSBNBBW 12).NCRSBNLCW 13).NCRSBNLWW 14).NC0SBNL0W 15).NW0SBNL0W 16).NW0SBN32W 17).NY8SBNL2W 18).NY8TBNV2W 19).NYRKBNV2W 20).NYR2BNV2W 21).NY00BNV2W 22).N280BNV2W 23).N280CNL2W 24).N2H0HNL2W 25).N200RNL2W 26).N2008NL2W
Last LevelPassword: .N.3w.wl2w 3 CoversIf you want to get three covers go the career and then press A on continue.And type in: r0bstbnbbw16 covers + 1 medal for Mat HoffmanAt Password Screen Put: .p.bsbnv1w to get16 Covers + 1 Medal 8 covers for Simon TabronAt Password screen put in: 66bksbnvbwCovers, medals, time trial2 get 27 covers, 3 medals and the 1st time trial using Dennis McCoy write the password as .N.R0.6M2W5 medals and 32 covers for Mat Hoffman.n.B0.WB.9 Up to six covers1 COVER- G0B2SBN3BW 2 COVERS-J0B.SBNLBW 3 COVERS-K0B.SBNVBW 4 COVERS-T0BTSBNVBW 5 COVERS-TWB25BNVBW 6 COVERS-TYB.SBNBBN