Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
Category: NintendoDS/Cheats S
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin
Unlock Anakin's Starfighter:
Beat the Anakin Bot in Multiplayer mode.

Unlock Darth Vader's Tie Fighter:
Defeat Darth Vader Bot in Multiplayer mode.

Unlock General Grevious's Starfighter:
Beat General Grevious Bot in Multiplayer mode.

Unlock Master difficulty for Anakin:
Beat Obi on any difficulty.

Unlock Master difficulty for Obi-wan:
Beat Anakin on any difficulty.

Unlock Millenium Falcon:
Beat the Solo Bot in Multiplayer mode.

Unlock Slave I:
Defeat Fett Bot in Multiplayer mode.

Unlock X-Wing:
Beat the Luke Bot in Multiplayer mode.

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