Resident Evil: Deadly Silence
Category: NintendoDS/Cheats R
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Contributor: admin
Albert Wesker in wireless multi-player:
Get a "B" or greater rank in the Masters Of Knifing mini-game.

Barry Burton in wireless multi-player:
Successfully complete the game as Jill.

Kenneth J. Sullivan in wireless multi-player:
Successfully complete Classic mode as Chris.

Rebecca Chambers in wireless multi-player:
Successfully complete Rebirth mode as Chris.

Masters Of Knifing mini-game:
Successfully complete the game.

Rocket Launcher:
Complete the game in less than three hours. Start another game from your saved game file to begin with the Rocket Launcher in your inventory.

Idle sequences:
Remain idle until Jill puts her hand on her hip, waiting for you to resume the game. Tap the touchscreen over her bosom or rear to see her response.

Touching Jill and others:
Leave Jill alone until she enters her inactive animation. Get your stylus and give her a tap in the chest area, or if she's facing away from the camera, tap her behind. Marvel at the bonus animated resposes. You can do the same thing with Chris as well.

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