Metroid Prime Pinball
Category: NintendoDS/Cheats M
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin
Expert mode:
Successfully complete Multi-Mission mode and view the credits to unlock Expert mode under the options menu.

Artifact Temple table:
Collect all twelve artifacts in Multi-Mission mode to unlock the Artifact Temple table in Single Mission mode.

Display game password:
At the "Press Start" screen, press B to display your last bounty. Press Select to display a password that represents your game status. The password is used for online contests.

Impact Crater table:
Defeat Metroid Prime in Multi-Mission mode to unlock the Impact Crater table in Single Mission mode.

Phazon Mines table:
Defeat the Omega Pirate in Multi-Mission mode to unlock the Phazon Mines table in Single Mission mode.

Phendrana Drifts table:
Defeat Thardus in Multi-Mission mode to unlock the Phendrana Drifts table in Single Mission mode.

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