Kirby: Canvas Curse
Category: NintendoDS/Cheats K
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin
Easy lives:
You can earn nine lives on the Dash! Jump! mini-game by landing in the small space at the end. Land between 3300 and 3400 to earn nine lives. It is easiest with Meta Knight.

Extra Fifth Character:
To unlock an extra fifth character, insert the GBA game Kirby and the Amazing Mirror into the DS and load up your save file on Kirby DS. A message will pop up and now the extra character will be available.

Jump mini-game:
Successfully complete the game with all five characters to unlock the Jump Game selection next to the "Options" button at the main menu.

Kirby: Nightmare In Dreamland music
Get 200 medals to be able to buy the music Kirby: Nightmare In Dreamland for 50 medals.

Medal Swap bonuses
Collect the indicated number of medals to unlock the indicated Medal Swap bonus:

Bead Line: Six medals
Course 1-8: Nine medals each
King Dedede: Twenty medals
Life Boost: Seven medals
Life Boost: Twelve medals
Life Boost: Fourteen medals
Meta Knight: Twenty-five medals
Song One: Three medals
Song Three: Three medals
Song Two: Three medals
Tropic Line: Six medals
Zebra Line: Six medals

Alternate title screen:
Achieve a 100% game completion to turn the title screen blue

Sound test bonus tracks
Successfully complete the World Of Drawcia level with Kirby to unlock the following tracks under the sound test:

Track 40 (Drawcia Demo)
Track 41 (Dracia Sorceress)
Track 42 (Drawcia Soul)
Track 43 (Ending Cinema)
Track 44 (Credits)
Track 24 (The World of Drawcia)

Block Attack sub-game:
Complete Block Attack level 2 in Boss Games.

Cart Run sub-game:
Complete level 2 of Cart Run in Boss Games.

Paint Panic sub-game:
Complete level 2 of Paint Panic in Boss Games.

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