Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Category: NintendoDS/Cheats A
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Hidden map:
Hold L and R when selecting Map Design mode to display a map with terrain that spells "Advance Wars". Also, there are two groups of buildings at the bottom of the hidden map. The orange buildings make the orange star symbol, while the blue buildings make the blue moon symbol.

Bonus COs:
Adder (costs 1,000 points): Win mission 26 in normal campaign mode.
Candle (costs 3,500 points): Win mission 26 in normal campaign mode.
Chakka (costs 3,500 points): Win mission 26 in normal campaign mode.
Flak (costs 1,000 points): Win mission 26 in normal campaign mode.
Grimm (costs 1,000 points): Win mission 20 in normal campaign mode.
Hachi (costs 2,000 points): Complete normal campaign mode with an overall "S" rank.
Hawke (costs 1,000 points): Win mission 26 in normal campaign mode.
Javier (costs 1,000 points): Win mission 20 in normal campaign mode.
Juggler (costs 3,000 points): Win mission 26 in normal campaign mode.
Kindle (costs 3,500 points): Win mission 26 in normal campaign mode.
Koal (costs 3,500 points): Win mission 26 in normal campaign mode.
Lash (costs 1,000 points): Win mission 26 in normal campaign mode.
Sturm (costs 5,000 points): Unlock all other COs, their color edits, and earn all 300 medals.
Nell (costs 2,000 points): Complete normal campaign mode with an overall "A" rank.
Sasha (costs 600 points): Win mission 20 in normal campaign mode .
Von Bolt: Complete hard campaign mode.
Zipo (costs 3,000 points): Win mission 26 in normal campaign mode.

Battle Map Shop bonuses:
Insert either Advance Wars or Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising into the Game Boy Advance slot on your Nintendo DS before powering up. Once in the game, go to Hachi at the map shop. He will comment on your taste in games and will have a new wallpaper that will cost 1 credit, which may not otherwise be available in the game.

Advance Warpaper (costs 1 point): Have the Game Boy Advance game Advance Wars inserted.

Advance Warpaper 2 (costs 1 point): Have the Game Boy Advance game Advance Wars 2 inserted.

Hachi's Land map (costs 1 point): Have the Game Boy Advance game Advance Wars inserted.

Lash's Land map (costs 1 point): Have the Game Boy Advance game Advance Wars 2 inserted.

Nell's Land map (costs 1 point): Have the Game Boy Advance game Advance Wars inserted.

Strum's Land map (costs 1 point): Have the Game Boy Advance game Advance Wars 2 inserted.

Other bonuses:
CO Edit: Reach level 10 or higher with a CO. An alternate costume option is in the CO Edit menu.

Gallery (costs 2,000 points): Complete normal campaign mode.

Mistwalker: Complete hard campaign mode.

Oozium (costs 1,000 points): Win mission 22.

Soul of Hachi: Complete hard campaign mode.

Soundroom: Complete normal campaign mode and buy everything from Hachi.

Wallpapers: Complete campaign to unlock wallpapers for the three COs used most in that campaign at the Display menu. Get all 300 medals to unlock the final wallpaper.

Hard combat mode:
Successfully complete combat mode.

Brutal combat mode:
Successfully complete hard combat mode.

Stealth unit graphics:
If you see a stealth unit going up, you will see a small line in the corner blinking.

Means To An End: Easy win
Choose the CO Sensei, and if possible, equip the skill Invader (Capture+1) and for the secondary front, choose Max. At the start of the mission, build four infantries and soon as possible, build a B copter and attack the enemy infantry that is capturing buildings at the south. The turn after that, build a T Copter and send an infantry south and deploy it after you destroy the enemy infantry. Watch out for Ooziums, and capture the Black Hole property so that Von Bolt will only deploy cheap units. When your CO Power is available, use it and it deploy infantries with 9 HPS when you have at least two properties south. Thanks to the skill Invader, it will take two days to capture a property. Capture all the properties south when evading the Oozium. As you capture more properties, you can deploy strong units to wipe out the enemy's cheaper units. Use your Super CO Power to deploy mech all over the place and flood them with mech. When the secondary front is won, deploy MegaTanks to destroy the Grand Bolt's weak spot. Capture the enemy base if you have the chance.

Muck Amok: Easy experience and money
If you are at this mission in hard campaign mode, at the beginning save the game in a empty slot. Clear the mission by destroying every Oozium on the field quickly. For each Oozium you kill in hard mode, you will be rewarded with 40 points. If you end the mission without problems, you will have 100 points for Speed, Technique and Power and 880 points for killing 22 Ooziums (if you destroy the cannon and the pipes you will have more points). You will have over 2,000 points (with the hard mode bonus) and you will have enough for two promotions for each CO that does that mission. If you make that mission on the other file, do not save it so you can repeat it for more points. However, make sure you save it on another mode to save the points you earned.

Reclaim The Skies: Easy points
Mission four (Reclaim The Skies) in campaign mode takes only about a minute to complete, and every time will result in 300 points. After the mission, just save the game in a different file and quit campaign mode. Load the file for on mission four and repeat. Note: Make sure to save in the file marked mission five after completing mission four. Mission four gives you points towards Rachael's CO ranking. Mission two is also quick, and is good for getting points for Jake towards his CO ranking.

Easy History awards:
To get awards fast (for example, "You built 50 Neotanks", etc.), make a map where the enemy is not a threat. Give yourself a lot of bases and cities. Play your map and set the funds to 9500G per city. Start building and you should get awards quickly. If you want to get fast awards for destroying enemies, surround them with units to kill them with in design mode. For example, if you want to get a lot of tanks destroyed, surround a large group of tanks with Megatanks and blast away. Just surround the large group of enemies something that they are weak against.

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