Backyard Hockey 2005 |
PC/Cheats B
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Enter [xxx] as a code at the cheat screen:
Code - Effect CHEQUE ME - Tech State T-Squares BRING IT ON - Tibeti Yetis CANT GET ENOUGH - Continous Power-Ups BIG SHOTS - Hot Shooting SWIFTY SKATES - Speedy Kids AIR PUCK - Air Hockey Puck SMALLERER - Micro Kids NAISE - Renudo Renaldo PITBULL - Kentucky DeRoche STAN - Paul Lee STINK - Drew Barrie MIRK - Peewe Kovich CONSISTENT - Status Kuo CRASH - Davie Hitney SOMETHING - Maggie May BURP - K.C. Burparino DMAC - Darrick Mac SQUASH - Jonathan Michael-Little BROTHER - Morris Morrissey EGGS - Scott Eggashira CAPTAIN - Geoff Odenkirk
Play as Steve Yzerman: Enter Stevie Y as a custom player name. |