Warhammer: Dark Omen |
PC/Cheats W
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Various CheatsAt the Main screen enter any of the following codes. If done correctly you will hear a sound: Code | Effect | fudgeislush | Enables 'Troop Roster' Cheats. Now use any of the following:
Ctrl C G adds 1000 gc to cash Ctrl C T subtracts 1000 gc from cash Ctrl C E increases selected unit's experience Ctrl C U makes selected unit unbreakable in combat | dontmesswithme | Enables 'Book' cheats:
Ctrl C M gives you the full quota of magic items Ctrl C F gives every unit full XP | bringemon | Enables 'In Battle' Cheats. Now use any of the following:
Ctrl K missile fire is 100 accurate Ctrl W increase magic points to max | overbychristmas | Enables more 'In Battle' Cheats. Now press F12 once or twice to auto win any mission | squarewindow | Places a Magnifier at the TopRight on the Screen | smeghead | Makes the 3D Heads turn into Pinheads | blackmarket | Makes Magic Items Available in Unlimited Quantities in Multiplayer Mode | bennyhill | Activates Fast Action Battle Mode | thelivinggem | Goto Point in Campaign | handyman | Goto Point in Campaign | ridethestorm | Goto Point in Campaign | youandi | Plays Cutscene then goes to a Point in Campaign | ohdear | Plays Death Animation | welcome | Plays Intro Animation | groovetown | Plays First Mission Animation | lightreading | Plays Liber Mortis Animation | smallpebble | Plays Jewel of Morrslieb Animation | badbreath | Plays Hand of Nagash Animation | whitegrail | Plays Black Grail Animation | atimetofight | Plays Long March Animation | wewontheday | Plays Final Movie | credits | View the Credits |